Less than 6 months left before the new EU regulatory framework on veterinary medicinal products (VMPs) is applied. Implementing strategies aimed at the compliance with the rules. Implementing strategies aimed at the compliance to the rules is hard work, but we must remember that the reason behind the new law is of great magnitude: fighting antimicrobial resistance (AMR) to protect human health, animal health and the environment.

According to the recent WHO report on 2020 antibacterial agents in clinical and preclinical development1, the research pipeline is still experiencing some difficulties in providing new effective antimicrobials. This is further feeding the development of AMR. WHO shows that the 43 antibiotics currently under clinical development are still insufficient to tackle AMR.

Moreover, the development and spread of AMR in the environment is also a growing concern that needs further research. A number of scientific studies have identified the potential negative impacts of resistant microorganisms or antimicrobials on the environment2,3,4.

Although small, bacteria have superior evolutionary advantages: the speed of proliferation and the ability to quickly and effectively pass resistance information through generations.

This is why the new VMP Regulation will impose restrictions on the use of antimicrobials, such as in prophylaxis and metaphylaxis. The new rules will force all the operators in animal farming and linked sectors to do their best in control and prevention of microbial risks.

AMR is also a concern for food safety, since food products represent a potential route of exposure for everyone. Thus, efficiency and innovation, along with best management practices, are the key aspects to be implemented in the food supply chain, including primary production.

Reducing antimicrobials on dairy farms, deciding for their prudent use only when strictly necessary, will limit the ability of bacteria to develop further resistance mechanisms in our supply chain. Thus, it will put antimicrobial research in front of fewer challenges to face.

Working in this direction means preserving the efficacy of existing antimicrobials, thus allowing the research pipeline to take a breath and continue to put effort into finding new effective molecules.

The idea of developing harmless, effective, safe, sustainable solutions perfectly fits into this environment. By providing these solutions and appropriate management practices, OZOLEA aims at helping dairy farmers reduce the use of unnecessary antibiotics and improve their profitability.

Implementing OZOLEA solutions means deciding for being at the forefront against AMR, reducing antimicrobials, while indirectly supporting research in its path towards the development of new molecules useful for protecting human health.

1 2020 Antibacterial agents in clinical and preclinical development: an overview and analysis. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2021. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240021303

2 A more valuable manure for better crop productivity.


3 Making money by saving milk.


4 Water quality is important for dairy farmers.


5 The action against AMR has an ethical, socio-economic, scientific and environmental scope.
