Efficiency is a great support for the achievement of sustainability, but it is not enough. At some point, it will be necessary to incur major investments to renovate and innovate our dairy farm properly.

We certainly can do better with efficiency1, and this has to be the first rule towards sustainability.

The environmental sustainability goals to be achieved by 2030 are ambitious: they deserve awareness, action, determination, as well as economic means.

In the European Union, small and medium-sized dairy farms are still far from satisfactory levels of income that could make further investments possible (Poczta et al., 2020) 1.

And peculiar challenges of the milk market still persist1.

Furthermore, some issues tend to worsen more in developing countries rather than in developed areas: this is the case, for example, of the antimicrobial resistance (AMR) phenomenon2.

The urgency behind all the aspects we need to face to achieve sustainability makes it clearer than ever: we must promote inclusive economic growth, build resilience, support equal rights to economic resources and property rights, at national and international level.

The scenario depicted by the FAO3 is that of a declining extreme poverty since 1990, but with a still high number of people living in these conditions. To give some figures, one in five people in developing countries lived with less than US $ 1.90 per individual per day in 2013 (World Bank, 2017).

Poverty rates have declined but progress has been not equitable, and this cannot be accepted.

The whole livestock production can play a role in helping rural society achieve its livelihood goals3. Its contribution to ending poverty has already been described, and goes along with the rapid growth expected for this sector.

Livestock production can provide enough safe4 and nutritious5  food for everyone; it is vital for other business activities6, in that it creates economic value; it is fundamental for society7. Moreover, it plays an essential role in supporting poor rural households to maintain their livelihood conditions.

All in all, it carries a great potential with many beneficial effects that may not be fully captured, especially by those living in poverty.

Both micro- and macroeconomic factors influence the effective capacity of the livestock sector to convert the expected rapid growth into poverty decrease3.

Since these factors include, among others, the ability of producers to use available assets to generate income and the possibility for consumers to get some advantages from more competitive prices, the solution is to be sought in a better value distribution1 and in making innovation, technology, tools and strategies available and affordable for everyone8.

It will help reduce poverty, it will help boost sustainable development.

This was another valid reason for OZOLEA to launch the SSafeMILK project. Dairy is one of the valuable productions of the livestock sector. With its project, OZOLEA’s commits to the implementation of the income of 1.4 billion dairy farmers worldwide by boosting productivity and certifying product value for better price negotiation.

Globally, it is a helping hand for them to make sustainable development happen on their farms.


1 We need cohesion and sharing results to make consumers understand the importance of paying the fair price for milk.


2 AMR: for a global action, no one must be left behind.


3 Transforming the livestock sector through the Sustainable Development Goals.


4 Prevention and control in livestock productions mean more food safety, more food security and good health.


5 Save your milk, don’t waste it: the world must be nourished.


Livestock husbandry has a multiplier effect on other business activities.


What dairy farmers do for the place they live and work in.


8 Are we ready enough for the agricultural transition?
